Geneviève Liné-Jagot (French, 1920-2001)
Geneviève Liné-Jagot was a French abstract artist. In her painting, she pursued unconstrained creativity at the expense of fame or recognition. Nonetheless, Line-Jagot exhibited in Germany, England, Canada and the US. From the earliest examples known of her work, her drawing and painting exhibit a strong personal style. The early abstract paintings also evoke the structures of Vieira da Silva in their arrangement around squares and rectangles of pure paint. This influence converges with an interest in Rayonism and electrical phenomena, resulting in striking compositions teeming with sparks and broken rhythms. These compositional elements are still traceable in Line-Jagot’s late abstract works.
Toward the late 1950s and 1960s, Line-Jagot switches to Lyrical Abstraction. Her palette is dominated by blacks, greys and blues often built up in oil and sand, creating organic reliefs. Blue becomes Genevieve Line-Jagot’s most recognisable colour and one she comes back to again and again, rethinking and reworking it once more.
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Available works
Please see below the selection of available original artworks by Geneviève Liné-Jagot.

Geneviève Liné-Jagot, Venice, 1959. Oil on canvas, 65 by 81 cm.

Geneviève Liné-Jagot, Carnival, 1959. Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard, 61 by 50 cm.

Geneviève Liné-Jagot, Women confined, 1960. Oil on panel, 50 by 61 cm

Geneviève Liné-Jagot, Movement in blue, 1960. Oil on canvas, 81 by 65 cm.

Geneviève Liné-Jagot, Construction yard, 1961. Oil on canvas, 49 by 65 cm.

Geneviève Liné-Jagot, Blue wall, 1963. Oil and sand on canvas, 73 by 92 cm.

Geneviève Liné-Jagot, Blue structure, 1967. Oil and sand on canvas, 38 by 60 cm.